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Cello Time Runners Band 2

Artikelnummer: HA-905032

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Kathy and David Blackwell
13,97 € pro Stück exkl. MwSt.
14,95 € pro Stück inkl. MwSt.
13,97 € exkl. MwSt.
0,98 € pro Stück MwSt.
0,98 € MwSt.

14,95 €*

Disponible, plazo de entrega: 1-3 Tage

Cello Time Runners Band 2

The "Cello Time series" provides some of the best and most exciting
repertoire for young cellists. Packed with lively original tunes, easy
duets, and traditional pieces, the books are carefully paced and organized
to build confidence every step of the way. With plenty of entertaining
illustrations with "Cello Time" it really is fun to play!

A Second Book of Easy Pieces for Cello. Ill. by Alan Rowe . 
Cello Book.2 New ed. 32 p. music and ill. 31,5 cm 156g , in englischer Sprache.

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